Saturday, August 8, 2009

Wait a minute; hold the presses...!

How come I've not been paid? Who do I have to complain to?
Since I'm working for the West, which entity in the West is responsible to pay me for my tireless work on their behalf. I've expended a lot of energy disseminating news, and fomenting dissent in Iran through my one contact there. I've actually made up a whole bunch of lies, doctored pictures, spent hours on Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, twisting reality to make it look like Ahmadinejad stole the election. Also, since I had no clue about politics before this, and took it upon myself to jump in to the fray on behalf of the West, it meant additional time brushing up on the ways of covert operations. I mean I had to figure out how Twitter works--no simple feat in itself. This all takes a lot of time. Who's going to pay me for all this?,8599,1915399,00.html/

If you think, like me, that we should be compensated, please sign my petition, and yes, you will be anonymous. Have fun:

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